EBIT declines in the first quarter of 2021|22 Ponctuelles
Date: 16.06.2021In the first quarter of 2021|22 (1 March to 31 May 2021), AGRANA generated earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of € 20.9 million (Q1 2020|21: € 32.0 million). The stable development of business in the Fruit segment contrasted with declining earnings in the Starch segment (due to higher cost of raw materials) and the Sugar segment (due to lower sales). Revenue amounted to € 705.8 million in the first three months of the financial year (Q1 2020|21: € 652.6 million).
The guidance for the full financial year 2021|22, according to which Group EBIT will increase significantly, is confirmed.
Further details relating to the development of business in the first quarter of 2021|22 and the three segments will be published by the Group as scheduled on 8 July 2021.